tirsdag den 17. april 2012

Radical Christian Living

What does this sentence: Radical Christian Living actually mean?

- Many Christians say this at random. Like it is just a piece of cake, it is normal. But is this truth?
Do we have as many Radical Christians Living in the world today?

This will be a teaching in four parts - and after every part I will give you some questions that can make you think, and you are welcome to ask questions or comment on it.

In the first part I will define the word Radical - what the word radical means, how you are radical and why you should be radical.

In the second part I will define the word Christian - what is a Christian really? What is the purpose of a Christian? What is the role of a Christian?

In the third part I will define the word Living - what does it mean to be alive? What is a proper lifestyle?

And in the fourth part I will conclude and give practical steps on how YOU can be included in the sentence: Radical Christian Living!

So be ready for this series of teaching - it will challenge you to review your understanding of the sentence: Radical Christian Living - and if you apply the practical steps it can change your life radically!